Grace's Story is now available free from Smashwords.
  • Open the link on your iPhone or iPad  and select the epub version to open in iBooks 
  • If you are able, open the link on your Kindle device or the Kindle App on any phone or tablet and select the mobi version (Kindle App can easily be downloaded for free to any device)
  • Otherwise, download the PDF Version and follow the instructions below to download to a Kindle: 

Instructions For Downloading Grace's Story (PDF or .prc) to a Kindle

1. Download the Grace's Story file to your computer from Smashwords.
2. Go to your Amazon account.
3. Go to 'Manage your Content and Devices'.
4. Under the 'Settings' tab, scroll down to the 'Personal Document Settings'.
5. Copy the correct destination email address shown for the device you wish to download to.
6. Check that you will be sending from the approved personal document email address shown on your Amazon account page.
7. Send an email from your approved address, using the destination address you copied from Amazon, putting ‘CONVERT’ as the title, and attaching the document from where you saved it on your computer.
8. Give it some time. This might take just a few minutes or even an hour or more.
9. Refresh your Amazon account page. Grace's Story document should now be there as a new personal document to download to your Kindle when it is switched on.

If you have enjoyed reading this free version of Grace's Story, please can I ask that you consider making a small contribution to charity, as a way of showing your appreciation?
Some of the deserving causes that I would suggest are Cancer Research, The Alzheimer's Society, or any children's charity such as Smile Train, which helps children born with a cleft lip and palate.  Otherwise, please feel free to make a donation to other deserving charities that you support.

1 comment:

  1. I can't thank you enough for your talent and your generosity. I wish you a big success with your books. Take care of you.


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